Given the lack of description a broad price range would be 100-5000 USD. That would be for an origianl one, not a reproduction.
Value of any firearm is based on EXACT make and model, condition, and originality. An ORIGINAL M1A1 carbine in excellent condition may be worth $1000, but there are civilian versions of the military carbine, and aftermarket "paratrooper" stocks that may be worth $200.
It means "Model 1" "Addition 1" The standard M1 carbine has the standard solid wooden rifle stock, while the M1A1 is the modified "paratrooper" model with the folding metal wire stocks, these versions of the carbine were used in Europe.
M1 Garand M1A1 Thompson M1 Carbine (Paratrooper version: M1A1 Carbine) Springfield Bazooka MKII Fragmentation Grenade Browning Automatic Rifle A compliment of light and heavy MGs, most made by Browning M18 Smoke Grenade Explosives/Satchel Charges .45 Colt (not general issue) Various knives Nuclear Bombs
Fallschirmjagergewehr 42 or paratrooper rifle 42
m1 grande or m1a1 carbine
100-400 or so
Winchester used to call a rifle that disassembled into two parts-their "takedown model." If your rifle is a "takedown" rifle, it's a paratrooper model. Could be a Type 38 (6.5mm) or a Type 99 (7.7mm), then if it's a might have another designation; like Type 2 (as an example). If it's in original condition (and good condition), they could go about 2 thousand dollars to a collector.
I have run across this question befor, This is what I wrote. It has taken me a long time to answer this question, because I can not find any information about the ASI paratrooper. Apparently is was sold in England and Canada. Today I accidentally found a page that referenced it as the ASI paratrooper/Gamo gamatic 85. When I saw the photo of the ASI and parts manual for the Gamatic 85 I realized that they were the same air rifle. Apparently they were made in the 1970's
In the vicinity of $200 for a basic Type 56 carbine, up to $500 - $600 for some of the more 'exotic' models, like the paratrooper carbine, and detachable magazine SKS D and SKS M rifles.
The value of a Japanese soldier's rifle from World War II varies on model and condition. A paratrooper's rifle in good condition might be worth as much as a $1,000. Most other rifles of the era are worth less than that.
m1 garand or the m1a1 carbine were the standard issue combat rifles. they were the semi automatic rifles of their time
The M1A1 Carbine was an American semi-automatic, gas operated, magazine fed, shoulder weapon designed as a modified varient of the standard M1 Carbine, the difference between the two models is that the M1A1 has a retractable steel wire stock, making it more compact and lighter than the M1 Carbine, while the M1 Carbine had a standard solid wood rifle stock. The M1A1 was issued primarily to American Army paratroopers in Europe due to its light weight, compact wire stock. The M1A1 was fed from a detachable box magazine that contained 15 .30 carbine cartridges, the same as the regular M1 Carbine.