The Stephens Springfield 22 caliber model 840 rifle is values at $250 in fair condition. In good condition, it is valued at $400.
The Springfield rifled Musket, Model 1855 had a caliber of 0.58-inch and was a single shot, muzzle-loading weapon.
We have them.
That model is obsolete, but we have a good selection of parts.
A Springfield model 120 22 caliber bolt action rifle can be worth 100$-250$ depending on the year it was made and the condition it is in.
$85-$100 in top condition.
The Springfield Model 15 was produced by The J. Stevens Company beginning in 1938. Intended as a boy's rifle (A low-caliber, easily used, rifle), it saw production into the early 40's when production tapered off on account of the war effort.
Have it examined by a good gunsmith
Springfield Armory
Originally in 1903, the rifle was chambered for the 1903 cartridge in .30 caliber (30-'03 Caliber). The Army was not pleased with it, and after refinement the US Army re-tested the rifle & ammo, finally adopting them both in 1906 as; the model 1903 Springfield rifle and 30-'06 cartridge (.30 caliber bullet adopted by the US Army in 1906).
They are available from Numrich thru their website (gunpartscorp) look under Savage- they own the Springfield brand.
I have had mine since 1965.