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Q: What is the value of a wards western field14m 491a?
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What is the value of Wards Western Field Model 14M 491A bolt action?


When was Wards Western Field 93M-491A rifle manufactured?

Wards did not make rifles, they only sold them under their brand. 93M-491A is actually a Mossberg 46B. The 46B was made from 1938 to 1949. This was prior to serial numbers being required on guns and it is not possible to find the exact date of manufacture.

When was the 14m 491a 22 made?

1938-1945 They Wards Western Fields 14m 491a 22 is actually a Mossberg 46, though I'm not sure what model. They were used as trainer rifles in WWII. It seems like everyone got there's from their grandpa. My grandpa got his from the war as well.

What is the age and value and manufacturer of a western fields 24M 491A 22 s-l-lr?

The manufacturer of your montgomery wards ,22 cal rifle is mossberg.The model number is mossberg model 9.these mossberg model 9 rifles were made in the 1930,s I believe and there value is not much.50-125 dollars.

What year was the Wards Western Field 04M 491A 22 cal rifle manufactured?

Manufactured for Montgomery Wards, this is a Mossberg Model 46B. The 46B was made from 1938-1946. Most date from before 1942 (WW 2, Mossberg was making training rifles for US Navy). The 46B is an excellent rifle.

What model is 93M-491A on a Wards Western Field 22 rifle?

Cross reference to a Mossberg Model 46B. The Mossbergs were great target rifles. For some more info on Mossberg 22s, Google search for "Epix Mossberg Models".

What year was the Wards Western Field 24M 491A 22 cal rifle manufactured?

I believe it was made by mossberg and sons in the 30s Im trying to find out as well. Found the link for mossberg and sons. It was made in 1938. Go to Mossberg web sight and they have all there firearms in catalog

What is the value of a Mossberg 14M 491A 22 S LR?

50-125 or so

What is the Value of mossberg 22s-l-lr 04m 491A?

50-200 USD

Where do you purchase a trigger guard for a wards western field 93M-491A 22 5-6-LR?

I believe this rifle was made by Mossberg and is the Mossberg 46B. Do a search for photos of the 46B Mossberg to see if it is a match. If so, try Havlin Sales & Service as they may have a replacement trigger guard.

Who made the Western Field 14m 491a 22cal?

Mossberg made it. It's very similar to Mossberg's model 46.