A British 1891 bronze Penny (Victoria), uncirculated and in absolute mint condition could fetch up to £175 GBP. If it has been circulated but still in good condition, it might fetch anything from £2 to £45 GBP.
A British 1891 bronze Penny (Victoria)(wide date), uncirculated and in absolute mint condition could fetch up to £340 GBP.
The values quoted are the best possible for the best specimens in their grades, but may be significantly lower due to varying demand for the coin and the prevailing economic climate. A reputable coin dealer will be able to give a more accurate valuation based on inspection of the coin.
A British 1881 bronze Penny (Victoria)(Victoria with hooked nose, wreath with 17 leaves - larger Britannia, sea does not meet linear edge), uncirculated and in absolute mint condition could fetch up to £525 GBP. If it has been circulated but still in good condition, it might fetch anything from £4 to £85 GBP.
A British 1881 bronze Penny (Victoria)(wreath with 15 leaves - larger Britannia, sea does not meet linear edge), uncirculated and in absolute mint condition could fetch up to £750 GBP. If it has been circulated but still in good condition, it might fetch anything from £30 to £300 GBP.
A British 1881 bronze Penny (Victoria)(Victoria with more hooked nose, wreath with 15 leaves - larger Britannia, sea does not meet linear edge), uncirculated and in absolute mint condition could fetch up to £975 GBP. If it has been circulated but still in good condition, it might fetch anything from £60 to £450 GBP.
A British 1881 bronze Penny (Victoria)(Victoria with more hooked nose, wreath with 15 leaves - larger Britannia, sea does not meet linear edge, masonry visible on lighthouse)(minted at Heaton - H), uncirculated and in absolute mint condition could fetch up to £325 GBP. If it has been circulated but still in good condition, it might fetch anything from £3 to £65 GBP.
A British 1881 bronze Penny (Victoria)(wreath with 17 leaves - larger Britannia, sea does not meet linear edge, masonry visible on lighthouse) (minted at Heaton), circulated but still in good condition, it might fetch up to £400 to £2,000 GBP.
There are a great many fine points of distinction between the variants of the 1881 Penny.
The values quoted are the best possible for the best specimens in their grades, but may be significantly lower due to varying demand for the coin and the prevailing economic climate. A reputable coin dealer will be able to give a more accurate valuation based on inspection of the coin.
A British 1886 bronze Penny (Victoria), uncirculated and in absolute mint condition could fetch up to £225 GBP. If it has been circulated but still in good condition, it might fetch anything from £2 to £55 GBP.
The values quoted are the best possible for the best specimens in their grades, but may be significantly lower due to varying demand for the coin and the prevailing economic climate. A reputable coin dealer will be able to give a more accurate valuation based on inspection of the coin.
A British 1881 Sixpence, uncirculated and in absolute mint condition could fetch up to £110 GBP. If it has been circulated but still in good condition, it might fetch anything from £6 to £45 GBP.
A British 1881 Sixpence (Proof FDC - plain edge) is considered, extremely rare.
A British 1881 Sixpence (Proof FDC - milled edge) is considered, extremely rare.
A reputable coin dealer will be able to give a more accurate valuation.
NOTE - The reverse of these coins is upside down to the obverse. This is normal.
It is a 1881 H or M British penny coin.Did you get a 1881 M stamp under the date.It looks like a M instead of a H. Regards
The value of a 1881 Indian head penny depends on the condition. As of 2014, one in good condition is worth $4.00, extremely fine condition is worth $20.00, and an uncirculated penny is worth approximately $50.00.
The British Half Penny was no longer issued after 1984.
The British Half Penny was no longer issued after 1984.
There is no record of a British 1852 Penny having been minted.
The British New Penny coin was first issued in 1971.
See the "Related questions" links below.
There was no 1850 British Penny minted.
Modified coins have no collector value.
The 1881 one penny coin can be worth from $6.00 to $50.00 depending on the condition of the one penny coin.
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U.S. or British? Post new question.