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The value of an 1896 Canadian half dollar depends on its condition. For example, such a coin in good condition is worth around 11.79 US dollars while an uncirculated coin has a value of more than 500 US dollars.

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Q: What is the value of an 1896 Canadian half dollar?
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What is the value of a Canada dollar 1964?

A 1964 Canadian half-dollar has a value of approximately $12 Canadian dollars. This value is dependent on the current silver market.

What is the value of a 1983 Canadian half dollar?

50 cents

What is the value of a Canadian half dollar 1867-1992?

5 bucks

What is the value of a 1974 Canadian half dollar?

Unless it's in brand-new uncirculated condition, face value only.

What is the value of a half Canadian dollar?

Please post a new question with the coin's date.

What is the value of an 1896 silver dollar facing right?

If the coin is a U.S. silver dollar dated 1896, it's a Morgan dollar and miss Liberty looks to the left, not the right. But a 1896 Barber half dollar faces the right. Look at the coin again and post new question.

What is the value of a 1911 Canadian half dollar?

There is no silver in the Canadian half dollar dated after 1967. If you have older coins (lucky you), the content is as follows: 1870 - 1919 92.5% silver 7.5% copper 1920 - 1967 80% silver 20% copper

How is a 1968 half Canadian dollar worth?

Half a canadian dollar. Dah. Slapin my knee that was so funny. Ay

What is the value of a 1967 Canadian Dollar?

f you want to know the value of a Canadian 1964 1 dollar coin, you need to know that is a silver coin. The minimum value is 10$. If the coin have never circulated, you can find the value according the the grade here :

How much is a 1969 queen elisabith half dollar worth?

I'm assuming you mean a Canadian half dollar, if so then not a whole lot, silver was removed in Canadian coinage before 1969 and as such it is pretty much just worth face value which is 50 cents Canadian.

Did they make a 1935 Canadian half dollar?

yes, the royal Canadian mint has made a half dollar for every year ever since the mint was founded in 1908. it may be hard to find a 1935 half dollar because most collectors look for the 1935 dollar, the first Canadian dollar minted for circulation.

What is the value of a 1979 Canadian half dollar?

1979 Canadian half dollars come into varieties: one with the Queens bust rounded at the top, and the less common depiction with a pointed bust. Their value can reach $2.00 and $4.50, respectively. This, of course, depends on quality.