The value of an 1896 Canadian half dollar depends on its condition. For example, such a coin in good condition is worth around 11.79 US dollars while an uncirculated coin has a value of more than 500 US dollars.
A 1964 Canadian half-dollar has a value of approximately $12 Canadian dollars. This value is dependent on the current silver market.
50 cents
5 bucks
Unless it's in brand-new uncirculated condition, face value only.
Please post a new question with the coin's date.
If the coin is a U.S. silver dollar dated 1896, it's a Morgan dollar and miss Liberty looks to the left, not the right. But a 1896 Barber half dollar faces the right. Look at the coin again and post new question.
There is no silver in the Canadian half dollar dated after 1967. If you have older coins (lucky you), the content is as follows: 1870 - 1919 92.5% silver 7.5% copper 1920 - 1967 80% silver 20% copper
Half a canadian dollar. Dah. Slapin my knee that was so funny. Ay
f you want to know the value of a Canadian 1964 1 dollar coin, you need to know that is a silver coin. The minimum value is 10$. If the coin have never circulated, you can find the value according the the grade here :
I'm assuming you mean a Canadian half dollar, if so then not a whole lot, silver was removed in Canadian coinage before 1969 and as such it is pretty much just worth face value which is 50 cents Canadian.
yes, the royal Canadian mint has made a half dollar for every year ever since the mint was founded in 1908. it may be hard to find a 1935 half dollar because most collectors look for the 1935 dollar, the first Canadian dollar minted for circulation.
1979 Canadian half dollars come into varieties: one with the Queens bust rounded at the top, and the less common depiction with a pointed bust. Their value can reach $2.00 and $4.50, respectively. This, of course, depends on quality.