A Joe DiMaggio Mickey Mantle, and Ted Williams signed Photo is worth between $800. -$1,200.
Price will vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the signatures. Photo composition, and appeal will effect the price as well. Part of the value will be determined by how well the photo displays the signatures. The type of ink used, and how it stands out in contrast to the photograph will also effect the price. Sharpie would be most preferred for a photo. Larger and more desired pictures could sell for more.
In two recent auctions (2007) a Joe DiMaggio Mickey Mantle, and Ted Williams signed photo sold for $896.25, and $1,135.25
Multi signed items typically sell for less money than separately signed items of the same players. This is why you cannot add up the values of each signature to come up with a total value for the multi signed item.
Most of the Mickey, Ted, and Joe signed photos (together) are 8"X10" and done in black and white , with mostly blue pen signatures. I have about 10 and they all kinda look the same. All are certified by PSA or GAI. If you have one at today's depressed prices, you could get between $500 to about $1,000.00 with the COA's attached.
A Mickey Mantle Ted Williams signed 8 x 10 photo is worth about $600.-$900.
Price will vary based on condition, the type of authenticity that accompanies the signatures, photo composition, and appeal. Part of the value will be determined by how well the photo displays the signature, the type of ink used, and how it stands out in contrast to the photograph. Sharpie would be most preferred for a photo. Larger and more desired photos will sell for more.
If the signatures are not properly authenticated the Baseball could sell at half the market value or less.
Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the signature. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less.
The value of multi signed baseballs cannot be priced by the value of each signature added up. Multi signed baseballs are valued as a group of signatures, and how desired that group is as a whole. This does not necessarily mean that two signatures will sell for less than one, but in most cases it does, or at least not the full value of the two signatures added up.
Cut Signatures are often cut from an item that has been ruined to save its value from such items as a cover of a publication, photograph, letter or notebook on which it was originally signed. Cuts are commonly used by collectors to display with a framed photo, or for inserts by baseball card companies.
around 2-3,000 dollars
What is the value of my Roy Williams Siganture it on a flag
2000 Mickey Mantle Bat Card
2007 Topps Mickey Mantle Autograph cardMickey mantle passed away on August 13, 1995. The 2007 Topps card you have might feature a facsimile signature as Mickey Mantle could not have signed it. If the card was a autographed insert by Topps which a cut signature would have been used then value will rely on the number of inserts that were made that year. For a value for either the 2007 Topps Mickey Mantle card or insert, the card number would be needed to identify the exact card you have. In general a signed Mickey Mantle Baseball card is worth about $150.-$300. if properly authenticated.
What is the value of a stamped mickey mantle baseball? Its the 40th anniversary 1956 triple crown season.
What is the value of mickey mantle box set metallic impressions by upper deck?Read more: What_is_the_value_of_mickey_mantle_box_set_metallic_impressions_by_upper_deck
The value of a Mickey Mantle holographic card would be dependent upon a number of factors. Some of these factors would be the age and the condition of the card.
Mickey who? Vernon? Hatcher? Mantle? Rivers?
About $2.oo
A Mickey Mantle signed menu from his restaurant is about $150.-$300. Price will vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the signature. Part of the value will be determined by how well the menu displays the signature. The type of ink used, and how it stands out in contrast to the menu.The personal inscription "To Kathy Best Wishes Mickey Mantle" will bring the value down, as much as half the value. To get top dollar you would have to get about a half dozen Mickey Mantle fans named Kathy to bid up the price.