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Q: What is the value or status of a German Reichsbanknote the Funflaufend Mark for 5000 December 1922?
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The main language spoken in Zurich is Swiss German, which is a dialect of the German language. Additionally, many residents in Zurich also speak standard German due to its official status in Switzerland.

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The US had a Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq until December 2011. At that time, the agreement expired and has not been renewed.

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A burgrave is a military governor of a German town or castle in the Middle Ages, or a nobleman of the same status.

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December 14, 2010, status on the APORTSTORAGE trademark changed to REGISTERED.

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Finland became a member of the U.N. (United nations) On December 14, 1955.

What is the nationality of the surname Frey?

German: status name for a free man, as opposed to a bondsman or serf, in the feudal system, from Middle High German vri 'free', 'independent'.Source:

If you have German citizenship are you German?

Yes, if you have German citizenship, you are considered a German citizen. However, nationality and ethnic identity can be separate concepts, and one can identify with different nationalities or cultures regardless of citizenship status.

How do you say you're in German?

'You are' could translate to 'du bist' (if 'you' refers to a friend or person of lower status than you) or 'Sie sind' (yes, capital) (if 'you' refers to someone of higher status than you or someone of equal status you don't know very well).

Can your ex spouse and you file as married when we were divorced in October of 2011?

No. Marriage status is determined by your status on the 31st of December. The last year you would have been able to file as married would have been 2010.