As of 2017, this coin is worth less than 1 U.S. cent in mint condition.
Assuming the coin is circulated and has no mintmarks, retail value is $17.00-$28.00 depending on how much wear the coin shows. The 1889 Morgan is a common date.
Assuming the coin is circulated and has no mintmarks, retail value is $26.00-$32.00 depending on how much wear the coin shows. The 1889 Morgan is a common date.
Please post new question with the coin's denomination and country of origin.
as of 2017, this coin is worth about 9 U.S. cents if it's in mint condition.
Assuming the coin is circulated and has no mintmark, the 1889 Morgan (not Liberty) dollar is a very common coin with retail values of $16.00-$26.00 depending on the grade of the coin.
No such thing.
'2,000 colones' is 4 dollars and '2,000 mil colones' is 4,000 dollars.
8-7-11>>> Assuming the coin is circulated and has no mintmark, the 1889 Morgan (not Liberty) dollar is a very common coin with retail values of $36.00-$44.00 depending on the grade of the coin.
Please post new question with the denomination.
The value of any coin is largely dependent on its condition.