

Best Answer

No British coin is minted with a hole in the middle.

You may have a privately minted coin, token or medallion.

A little more detail would be helpful.

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Q: What type of coin has a hole in the middle and made of silver in the uk?
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What value is a Hong Kong coin with a hole in the middle?

More than one Hong Kong coin had a hole in the middle. These coins were made for many years. Be more descriptive. Add the date and words on the coin, then I can answer your question.

Was there ever a coin made that was a little smaller than a 50 cent piece that was blank with a square hole in the middle and made out of copper or is it something else hole is perfectly square?

It's a WASHER, possibly a torque washer.

What is a silver pattern crown coin?

A silver pattern crown coin is a British coin that was produced between 1707 and 1965. This coin is made of silver and has a profile picture of Queen Victoria on it.

Was any current US coin ever made with pure silver?

No. The US has never made a coin with pure silver. The closest to pure silver would be American silver Eagles. These coins are silver bullion coins. They are made of 99.93% silver and .07% copper.

Why is there a hole in the middle of an 1854 coin?

Coins were made with holes for several reasons, two of them being to save on the amount of metal used to make the coin, and to have a way to string all of your coins together for easier handling.

Why is Marie therese coin coin important?

The Marie Thérèse Thaler, a silver coin minted in the 18th century, was widely used in international trade and became a standard reference currency. Its stable silver content made it a preferred coin for transactions, especially in the Middle East and Africa. The coin's legacy continues today as a symbol of trade and economic stability in historical numismatics.

Is a silver dollar made of 925 silver?

No. 92.5% silver is Sterling. US coin silver is 90%.

What is the melt value of a coin?

This depends on what the coin is made of. If it is made of silver or gold it will be worth more than if it was made of copper or zinc.

How much was a silver coin in the middle ages?

There were many different types of medieval silver coins. The most widely circulated type of silver coin of the Middle Ages was the one based on the Roman denarius. Such a coin was introduced by Charlemagne as the denier, and was the basis of the English penny, Spanish denero, Italian lira, and others. In most systems, there was also a denomination that was 12 of these, and another that was 240. In England 12 pence made a shilling, and 240 pence made a pound. The penny was roughly equal to the value of a day's work for a common laboring man for much of the Middle Ages. The current price of such a coin to a collector depends entirely on the coin. Please use the links below for more information.

How much silver is in a walking silver dollar?

7-4-11>>> The coin is actually an American Silver Eagle bullion coin that is made from one ounce of .999 pure silver.

How do you know if your 1939 US half dollar coin is silver?

You can test the composition of the coin using a magnet. 1939 US half dollars are made of 90% silver and 10% copper. If the coin is attracted to the magnet, it is not silver.

What was the first coin in the world?

the first coin made was from lydian and had a symbol of a tiger that was made by the kings of the jungles (King Alyattes) in turkey the coin was made out of gold and silver