Lane with serial no 240966 is believed to be 20 years old.
what was the year a lane cedar chest serial number 1477020 was manufactured
I'm sorry, but without additional context, it is impossible to determine the specific value of a Lane Love Chest with the serial number 2675130. The value of an item like this can depend on various factors such as its condition, age, rarity, and current market demand. To accurately assess its value, it would be best to consult with an appraiser or conduct research on similar items that have been sold recently.
Looking to sell the above referenced hope chest purchased in 1958. Can anyone help with value/price
Contact lane furniture 5380 highway 145 south tupelo, ms 38802 662-566-7211
If you have an ebay account you can check the "sold" listings. A recent sale on ebay, item 151262794224, 1944 Lane cedar/hope chest sold for $150.
I have a 1945 Lane Cedar Chest Ser#344001 Style#482011 can you tell if it is of value it has a sewing wheel on the front. Sue
Lane sells an amazing variety of heirloom quality cedar chests. For added appeal and beauty, most have false drawers and cupboard fronts to hide the fact it's a chest.
Your Lane cedar chest was made July 5, 1949 (read the serial number backwards). I am not sure if you can get a replacement key for your lock since it was made before 1987 and is not a safety lock (to prevent a kid from accidentally locking himself inside). You can, however, get a free replacement lock from Lane. Go to to fill out the form. It should take 2-4 weeks to receive your replacement.