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my name is mckenna Larson i am 9 years old and i am in 4th grade my hobbies are fishing, hunting, kroeshaing, and helping people

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Q: Where Jennifer telfer live?
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What is the birth name of Dan Telfer?

Dan Telfer's birth name is Daniel William Telfer.

What was the first pillow pet made?

The previous answer did you no good , but I believe it was a Ladybug. Your welcome and also the ladybug is named after the Greek goddess Athena

When was Nancy Telfer born?

Nancy Telfer was born in 1950.

When was William Telfer born?

William Telfer was born in 1886.

When did William Telfer die?

William Telfer died in 1968.

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Garry Telfer was born in 1965.

When was Michelle Telfer born?

Michelle Telfer was born in 1974.

How tall is Dan Telfer?

Dan Telfer is 6' 5".

Are pillow pets for teenage boys?

Pillow Pets are targeted to younger children, however, there is nothing wrong with a teenage boy having one. They were invented by Jennifer Telfer.

When was David Telfer born?

David Telfer was born on 1988-12-01.

When was Jim Telfer born?

Jim Telfer was born on 1940-03-17.

When did Alexander Telfer-Smollett die?

Alexander Telfer-Smollett died in 1954.