A parent can get more information about a college savings program by visiting college sites and going to colleges in person looking for more information.
The College Savings Bank headquarters are located in Princeton, New Jersey. The College Savings Bank offers a range of investment, plans and savings options.
The US Treasury Savings Bond rate is less than 1% today and will probably remain there for a considerable period of time. The Upromise program offers rebates ranging from 1-25% on items you are going to purchase anyway. When considering savings rates, the Upromise program has a higher return rate than do the US Treasury bonds. Upromise is geared for college savings so you will receive a premium rate on your money. A conventional savings account will allow more flexibility.
There are three investment programs offered by Blackrock Mutual Funds. They offer the College Advantage program and the Mutual Funds program and the Retirement savings program.
Provides savings for future college costs.
There are many banks that one could start a college savings account from, however if you go to collegeadvantage.com they can help assist you with a 529 college savings account in Ohio.
Collegeboard's college savings calculator is very reliable: http://apps.collegeboard.com/fincalc/college_savings.jsp but being a college student myself, there are many other things that need to be paid for when planning for college. For example, planning to save enough money for just tuition and housing at a college is not enough, because the textbooks will still need to be paid for and those are included in the tuition. Keep things like this in mind when planning.
Bright Start Savings offer the following products and services: Investment, enroll, resources, forms, cost of college, balancing college and retirement savings.
College savings accounts are tax free and tax deferred when they are withdrawn by the individual. The returns will vary. http://www.ehow.com/info_7994259_college-savings-accounts.html
The CSPN or College Savings Plans network is a great online resource for college savings plans. The site gives you resources to help you get started and has information for every state. The site is: http://www.collegesavings.org/index.aspx
Money put aside for a future college education.
In Minnesota, a divorce should not affect a child's savings account for college in a divorce.