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Q: Can you sign a school shirt with sharpie?
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you do not get sharpie out of your 100 percent cotton shirt unless the color of the sharpie is:magentababy blue

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Where can you buy the patches on the falling in reverse vests?

Make them with a white t-shirt and a black Sharpie. You have to use sharpie because it is waterproof. -The punk down the street causing Anarchy

How do you keep Sharpie writing on a t-shirt from bleeding when you wash it?

Well after your done writing and the sharpie dries, iron it to make sure it stays dry. And when you needd to wash it, you can handwash it with shampoo!

If you put a signed sharpie shirt in the dryer will the ink sink in?

no i work at maytag and the ink will be the same when it comes out of the wash

How does Criss Angel sign his name?

With a pen, a Sharpie, or a pencil, usually. Some say he even uses paper lol wow that was good he uses mostley sharpie and he just signs his name and in the corner he draws his sign

How do you get sharpie off a middle school desk?

Nail polish remover.

How much is a school shirt?

A school shirt is normally around, $6-$9

Which of he following would not be a good topic for a compar and contrast essay?

There are two kinds of uniforms girls can wear at my school: a school shirt with khaki pants or a school shirt with a khaki shirt.

Who plays Sharpie in High School Musical?

i think Ashely Tinsdale does Ashley Tisdale

Which artist wear shirt got cross sign at their shirt on their video?

30 seconds to mars

IS A school shirt cotton?
