Claudio Sanchez was born on March 12, 1978.
Claudio Sanchez was born on March 12, 1978.
Claudio Sanchez has verbally confirmed that he has no religious affiliation.
US singer Claudio Sanchez III is 40 years old (birthdate: March 12, 1978).
The face on Claudio Sanchez's Gibson Explorer is his father. The "GANGSTA" stencil started as a joke and grew from there.
claudio sanchez
Claudio married his girlfriend of six years on October 23, 2009.
Chondra Echert
Sanchez is 5 foot 11. This is proven by checking his MySpace.
Adoniz Sanchez
Claudio Sanchez!!!! Woot to a good singer
Claudio Sanchez is currently engaged to Chondra Echert since March of 2008. No details of actually being married have arisen so it is assume they are still engaged.