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It depends on which school you're planning to go to. If it is a catholic or private school than there is a good chance that you will have to wear a uniform. If not than I don't think you'll have to wear a uniform.

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14y ago
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13y ago

it would be more comfortable not to wear school uniforms but if we wear our own clothes then we are more likely to get teased because of the type of clothes or whether its designer etc - i hoped this helped

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11y ago

i think kids should not bve able to where there uniform to school because kids cannot express them self with a uniform then it causes problems becasue kids brag about the brands of shoes and othe stuff ,and with out uniforms kids get to show off the creativity and personaitly compared to children who wear uiforms so that is my oppion

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12y ago

In the United States there are a number of colleges and universities that have a Corps of Cadets and members wear uniforms. There are a few that require all members to be a part of the Corps.

Schools with Corps of Cadets:

  • The Citadel (All students)
  • Virginia Military Institute (All students)
  • Texas A&M University
  • North Georgia College and State University
  • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Statue University

All military academies (in every country) require their students to be in uniform.

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11y ago

No not all, only some. However many schools do have uniforms.

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12y ago

Yes. You look smarter that way. In fact, i wear mine all the time...

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11y ago

yes u still do in college

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15y ago

uuuhh, in school?

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12y ago

no because then will look like nerds

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Q: Do some colleges have school uniforms?
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Do Korean students wear uniforms?

Middle - High school students do, though some schools may not have required uniforms. Colleges don't have uniforms. Save

What states wear uniforms?

I believe some school in every state require school uniforms. Some more than others. But all in all, there aren't any specific states the support or don't support school uniforms.

When did France stop wearing school uniforms?

France has never had a nationwide policy on school uniforms. School uniform policies have varied by school and region, with some schools choosing to implement uniforms while others do not.

Do school uniforms help students?

yes, school uniforms do help students. i myself am a student that goes to a school where you have to wear uniforms and it helps with the teasing and some of the drama. if you wear uniforms, you dont have to worry about a child being teased for their clothes.(:

Does middle college high school wear uniforms?

some of the middle schools in australia wear uniforms

In some schools are school uniforms a choice?

If you are asking whether or not you can chose to wear uniforms at a uniformed school than the answer is no. If you attend a uniformed school than you must wear a school uniform or you will be kicked out. If you go to a non uniformed school then you shouldn't wear uniforms either.

Did the children of 1930 have school uniform?

In the 1930s, school uniforms were not as common as they are today. Some private schools and certain regions may have had school uniforms, but it was not a widespread practice. Schools often had dress codes, but they were not as strict or uniform as modern school uniforms.

Are school uniforms uncomfortable?

Some students may find school uniforms uncomfortable due to issues like fit or material, while others may find them comfortable and convenient. Personal experiences with school uniforms can vary greatly.

Where can i get cheap school uniforms for my kids?

You can get cheap school uniforms for your kids at They have alot of deals for school uniforms. Also Zappos and French Toast have cheap school uniforms.

Where can we find school uniforms and accessories for girls?

Almost any department store will provide some school uniforms and accessories. You can also check online on ebay, amazon and for cheaper deals on uniforms.

Who is smarter children with school uniforms or children without uniforms?

You know, going to a private school and having a uniform is more of a status thing, and it doesn't make you smarter; a person who has a public education can have the same amount of ambition and intelligence as a person who is "privledged" enough to go to an expensive private school.I have seen a lot of school uniforms and some are smart and some are not. Wearing a school uniform will not make you more intelligent.Both private and state schools can opt to have uniforms or not have uniforms. Often school councils want uniforms and are involved in its design. There is no evidence that introducing a school uniform will improve school performance.

Do people think school uniforms should be abolished?

Opinions on school uniforms vary. Some believe uniforms promote equality, discipline, and a sense of belonging, while others argue they restrict individual expression and creativity. Ultimately, the decision to abolish school uniforms depends on the specific school community's values and priorities.