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Pay is based on seniority and ranking. Normally pay starts around $38,000, and can top out at around $100,000.

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Q: How much money does a college professor get paid an hour?
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What type of professors makes the most money?

College professors are the ones that makes the most money. The longer a professor has been teaching and the type of college he is teaching at will determine how much money he will make.

How much money do you make for a sum college?

you can make 20.00 dollars an hour this job.

How much money does a lecturer earn?

The average salary for a lecturer is about $55,000 Euros a year. A lecturer is equivalent to a college professor in the US.

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do not give them to much money because as they get older they would understand to save money for college, so for each hour, give them between 5 and 8 dollars.

How much school do you need to be an economic professor?

A professor at a university requires a Ph.D. A professor at a community college requires a masters degree.

How much does a Spanish professor make?

A lot of money.

How much money did The Nutty Professor gross worldwide?

The Nutty Professor grossed $273,814,019 worldwide.

How much does a college math professor earn?

80,000 doallars a year

How much does a math professor earn?

I've seen advertises that community college professor make $50,000 and university professor can make up to $80,000.

How much does a history professor at Harvard earn yearly?

6 bucks an hour

How much money did The Nutty Professor gross domestically?

The Nutty Professor grossed $128,814,019 in the domestic market.

How much does Barack Obama charge an hour for his services as a Solicitor?

He was a professor of Constitutional law. By the hour/cut of winnings does not apply.