Yes, many people have recovered from a coma.
No ghosts appear when people are in a coma, only doctors and nurses.
There are stories of people who are in coma's that can still hear. These people try to communicate with their loved ones and doctors but cannot.
As of 2021, the population of La Coma i la Pedra is approximately 100 people.
it doesn't normally happen but their have been cases of people waking up and have reported hearing loved ones while in a coma state.
a coma
they hit theyre heads hope that answers it
yes, hearing is the last thing to leave
People in a coma may still have bowel movements, but they often require assistance, such as a catheter or laxatives, to help them pass stool. This is because their bodily functions are suppressed, and they are not able to control or regulate their bowel movements on their own.
They will still be in the stage of 100% human, still in a coma, and the nurse taking care of them will get in trouble for giving them alcohol.
broken nose fractured scull concussions bleeding brain memory loss coma death or you lay in a coma forever or you get pallzied