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I think you mean co-signing. Let's say you want to buy a car, but you are 18, and have no credit history. I am your Dad- and have a good credit history, The company that will make your car loan would have me co-sign the loan. If you fail to pay for the car, I have agreed to be legally responsible to make the payments.

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Q: What is consigning for a vehicle?
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The primary step in the direction of attractive control of your financial condition is to do a pragmatic appraisal of how much money comes in and how greatly money you expend. For More Information visit below link

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I am sure that it depends in what state you live, but in Oregon it is always the person that hit you, who insurance would pay. i.e. vehicle one, pays vehicle two.... and vehicle two pays vehicle three.

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Which side of vehicle is fuel tank on?

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