The average salary for truck drivers is around 45,000 dollars a year. This is usually for over the road truck drivers. The ones that stay closer to home make a little less.
The average salary of a truck driver is 45,000 dollars. This is usually the salary of over the road drivers, rather than the drivers who stick close to home.
Truck drivers make an average of $70,000 to $80,000 a year.
The average annual salary for a long haul cattle truck driver is about $37,930. This falls in line with the salary of most kinds of over-the-road truck drivers.
The base salary of a truck driver depends on the area in which the person lives, the years of experience they have, and what type of truck they drive. The average salary, for all truck drivers nationwide, in 2011 was around $49,000.
Depending on how long a driver has worked with his company or regarding his skills and efficiency is a big part of the salary. On average first year truck drivers make 47,000 - 50,000 dollars in a year.
Most drivers make commission, the average commission is 30% of the tow. sometimes they make commission and salary.
Teamster truck drivers average around 18 dollars an hour. This translates to around 47,000 dollars a year for their salary.
If you are looking for more information n where can you find more information on truck drivers salary, the best place to look is on
The salary of a truck driver in Dubai would generally depend on the type of truck and the experience of the driver. The average salary would be around Dh3,500.
The salary for a dump truck driver will vary depending on location, experience, and employer. On average, a dump truck driver will make an estimated $18.00 per hour.