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to transport people around the country more efficiently

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14y ago

To provide government-subsidized intercity rail transportation in the United States.

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Q: What is the purpose of Amtrak?
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What is the website address for amtrak?

amtrak .com

Where is Amtrak parking lot?

At the amtrak station.

What was the purpose of Amtrak?

Amtrak was created in the 1970s because private railroad corporations such as Union Pacific did not want to run their passenger railroad services anymore because they deemed them as not profitable due to compitition by airline and road travel so the government created Amtrak to maintain the passenger rail travel in the U.S. Amtrak is a government owned passenger railroad corporation that maintains passenger rail routes throughout the United States.

What kind of transportation does amtrak provide?

Amtrak provides rail transport, "Amtrak" is a portmanteau of the words "American" and "track".

Is there a train that goes through Oregon?

Yes-amtrak cascades, amtrak coast starlight, amtrak empire builder

Where might one be able to access Amtrack schedules?

There are a few places where a person can access the Amtrak schedules. The Amtrak website has the Amtrak train schedules for people to view. Also, a person can find an Amtrak schedule at any Amtrak station.

Is Amtrak California the only state that amtrak is named after?


What is the acronym for amtrak?

"Amtrak" is a portmanteau of the words "American" and "track".

When was Metroliner - Amtrak - created?

Metroliner - Amtrak - was created in 1969.

When was Amtrak Police created?

Amtrak Police was created in 1970.

Where do AMTRAK's pick people up at?

Only at AmTrak stations.

Is Amtrak vacating a line in Indiana?

amtrak is in every state