It can't be kept. All assets must be declared, even cash. Anything left out can be treated as bankruptcy fraud.
You need to start off by talking to your bankruptcy experts. They should be able to help.
His resilience kept him out of bankruptcy.
Paperwork relating to the bankruptcy should be kept until at least the bankruptcy is off your credit report.
Bankruptcy proceedings are not as clear cut as one would assume. What property is allowed to be kept and what is liquidated depends on many factors. First of all exemption status of the property. Whether the property is secured, jointly owned, etc. It is not ususal for a trustee to allow two paid for vehicles to be kept. But if they are not of reasonable value for sale purposes. Uf the parties involved have a disability (or a dependent does) etc. that can play a part in the decision.
In an impound lot.
I kept my house & pick up truck
The place where you find information about files kept relating to a bankruptcy claim in the USA on the Justice website. This website has all that information available.
It depends, usually after you file bankruptcy they take all your vehicles but one of them so that way you have one vehicle to get back and forth for emergencies. When you file bankruptcy and have a job, they usually limit the amount of money coming into your household too.
You can find all of the information on your bankruptcy proceeding through a federal website called Pacer. Register and then to view each notice and document, they will charge you .08 per page but it will give you all relevant documentation on your bankruptcy.
A diesel vehicles does not need to be running. A diesel ignition in a Diesel engine comes from compression and not spark.
To reduce the centre of gravity and improve stability of the vehicle.