The Danish Krone is the currency of Greenland.
If you ask for the currency of Greenland, it is the Danish krone.
Greenland uses Danish Kroner. 1 AUD is about 4.2 Kroner.
Greenland, as a province of Denmark, uses the Danish Kroner as its currency.
The Danish Krone is the currency of Greenland.
Danish currency is the currency of Denmark and is called the krone (kroner in the plural; international code DKK). Danish kroner are also legal tender in Greenland and the Faroe Islands. The krone came into being with the Scandinavian Monetary Union and was thus once the currency of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. But today each country has its own currency, Sweden using the Swedish krona (SEK) and Norway the Norwegian krone (NOK). All three countries have resisted changing to the euro. While the Faroe Islands calls its currency Faroese krona, it is not an independent currency but a Faroese version of the Danish krone. Greenland, today using the Danish krone, is planning a future Greenlandic crone, but it also is not to be an independent currency but a Greenland version of the Danish krone. (See Related Link for more on Danish crrency.)
A kroner is a type of currency used in Scandinavian countries. For example, the Danish krone is the official currency of Denmark.
Six countries currently have a crown as their currency. They are:CountriesCurrencyISO 4217 codeCzech RepublicCzech korunaCZKDenmark (and Greenland)Danish kroneDKKFaroe IslandsFaroese krónaNone (DKK)IcelandIcelandic krónaISKNorway and dependenciesNorwegian kroneNOKSwedenSwedish kronaSEK
Greenland is not in a region. Greenland is in the territory of Denmark. There are many regions in Greenland.
they use danish krone~ recently they are plan on Denmark national bank ( on printing specific Greenland kroner for circulation but the plan later suspended by Denmark National Bank ref :!OpenDocument
On Greenland they use the Danish krone as currency with the same banknotes as in Denmark. They have previously had their own design of banknotes and will get that again in 2011. On the Faroe Island they also have the Danish krone as monetary unit, but have their own design on the banknotes.
Nuuk is the capital of Greenland