Yes Gaidhani are 96k Maratha ..they mostly live in rural nashik area..(Palse village).. Gaidhani surname is also in brahmans but in very little number...mostly Gaidhani are belonging to Maratha ..
Maratha 96K
The Maratha Kunbis in Sonawane Surname, all come in 96 Kuli Marthas.
Yes Kubal from Sawantwadi and Vengurle, Malvan Area are 96k Kuli Maratha, Kubal also are in Gabit-Koli (Fisherman) & Bhandari But Main Caste is Maratha and they belong to Goa Kadamba Royal Clan
Yes, Kadu is a common Maratha surname among the 96 Kuli Maratha community in Maharashtra, India. It is one of the many surnames that belong to the 96 Kuli Maratha clan.
Jamadagni gotra, surname - rane/ rana, devak - vad. 96k Maratha. Who is kuldevi for them?
TODKAR belongs to Kshtariya Maratha (96k)
No, the surname "Jare" does not belong to Marathi. It is not a common Marathi surname.
Goatra of Kate surname
Kuldevi for me with surname Rane is VithuMahakali and gotra is Jamadagani
The surname Padave belongs to 96 kuli MARATHA caste. In the 96kuli Maratha Padave's come belong Jagtap kuli. You can refer 96k Maratha surnames books available in the market ( in case anyone wants to know information about own surname can refer book ). If referring to books, in new updated book editions you find पाडावे ( पाडे) written and in old editions पाडे will be written but both refer to the same पाडावे surname people. In some places they are Kunbi Maratha