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Ordered the local population out and burned down all buildings of military importance.

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Q: What did William Sherman do in atlanta?
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Who burn Atlanta?

William T. Sherman

Who burned atlanta during the civil war?

William Tecumseh Sherman. And to this day, no Southerner will ever name his child Sherman.

Union leader at atlanta?

William T. Sherman.

Who wont the battle of Atlanta?

William T. Sherman

Did William Tecumseh Sherman burn Atlanta?

yes yes he did.

What general led the march of the sea?

General William Tecumseh Sherman led a march to the sea burning everything in his way including the city of Atlanta.

What was the name of the union general who attacked atlanta?

William T. Sherman

When did William t sherman capture atlanta?

September 24th, 1864

Who burned atlanta on his march to sea?

General William T. Sherman

Who was the leader of the Union during the Atlanta battle?

William T. Sherman

Civil war general who captured atlanta?

William T. Sherman

What Union General destryed Atlanta GA?

William Tecumsah Sherman