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the meaning of commenced is to originate, to start or begin. to act as, and or to take a degree from a University.
Some synonyms for the word "commence" could be begin, start, initiate, inaugurate, instigate, originate, and/or engage.
begin, start; get the ball rolling,get going, get underway, get off the ground, set about, embark on,launch into, lead off; open,initiate, inaugurate; informalkick off, get the show on the road.

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11y ago
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11y ago

"To commence" means to start or to begin. Commences is the third person singular, present tense of that verb. As soon as he commences his speech, the crowd will sit quietly and listen to him.

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15y ago

It's Graduation.

It is not correct, the true answer: Date of start

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