the meaning of commenced is to originate, to start or begin. to act as, and or to take a degree from a University.
Some synonyms for the word "commence" could be begin, start, initiate, inaugurate, instigate, originate, and/or engage.
begin, start; get the ball rolling,get going, get underway, get off the ground, set about, embark on,launch into, lead off; open,initiate, inaugurate; informalkick off, get the show on the road.
Commenced - verdict is read for the crime concluded - verdict is entered into record and begin serving the sentence.
Its the actual date you started your (any)employment
The meeting has already commenced.
I therefore commenced with the hardcore bondage.
It means that the person who commenced the action (lawsuit) has dropped (cancelled) the action.
The boys then commenced to launch the boat.
Because your arrival was delayed, the meeting commenced without you.
Commenced is the correct spelling.
Yes, "A search is commenced" is a complete sentence that can stand on its own. It contains a subject ("search") and a verb ("commenced"), making it a sentence that conveys a clear action.
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