When wars are fought the "spoils " are the lands taken and the resources taken.
The correct Latin translation of "To the victor the spoils" is "Victori spolia."
"To the victors belong the spoils" - This showed that Jackson was selfish and he filled many jobs with unqualified people Since he believed that anyone could qualify for a position in the government provided that they had supported Jackson (were loyal to him and helped him get elected)
If you mean Egypt, the Romans invaded because they were the victors in the war. They had beaten Antony and Cleopatra so were entitled to the spoils of war.If you mean Egypt, the Romans invaded because they were the victors in the war. They had beaten Antony and Cleopatra so were entitled to the spoils of war.If you mean Egypt, the Romans invaded because they were the victors in the war. They had beaten Antony and Cleopatra so were entitled to the spoils of war.If you mean Egypt, the Romans invaded because they were the victors in the war. They had beaten Antony and Cleopatra so were entitled to the spoils of war.If you mean Egypt, the Romans invaded because they were the victors in the war. They had beaten Antony and Cleopatra so were entitled to the spoils of war.If you mean Egypt, the Romans invaded because they were the victors in the war. They had beaten Antony and Cleopatra so were entitled to the spoils of war.If you mean Egypt, the Romans invaded because they were the victors in the war. They had beaten Antony and Cleopatra so were entitled to the spoils of war.If you mean Egypt, the Romans invaded because they were the victors in the war. They had beaten Antony and Cleopatra so were entitled to the spoils of war.If you mean Egypt, the Romans invaded because they were the victors in the war. They had beaten Antony and Cleopatra so were entitled to the spoils of war.
In war -to the victors go the spoils !!.
The Spoils System, named for the adage "To the victors belong the Spoils", refers to a system that rewards those people who support a candidate during the election. For example, if I am rich and can contribute a huge sum to a candidate, I could be made a Cabinet member even if I have no knowledge or experience. It's a "you repay me by position" or a "you better scratch my back because I scratched yours" system.
It is commonly called the "spoils system" based on the adage that "to the victors go the spoils" (rewards from winning). It can also be called "political patronage" where jobs and public contracts are given to political supporters, and especially to contributors.
The Spoils System is the answer. Its name comes from the Roman saying "To the victors go the spoils." Andrew Jackson was the best known for this. It did not originate with him, though it has come to be associated with his name.
The phrase "To the victor belong the spoils" means that the winner of a competition or conflict is entitled to the rewards or benefits of their victory. It is often used to emphasize the idea that success brings rewards and the winner gets to enjoy the fruits of their labor.
"To the victors, the spoils". They were going to re-allocate the various resources among themselves and make Germany pay the costs of the war
Senator William I Marcy supported Andrew Jackson's replacement of John Quincy Adam's appointees by referring to the idea that "to the victor belong the spoils of the enemy." So, in a sense, Jackson created the "spoils system" of political patronage.
Senator William I Marcy supported Andrew Jackson's replacement of John Quincy Adam's appointees by referring to the idea that "to the victor belong the spoils of the enemy." So, in a sense, Jackson created the "spoils system" of political patronage.