Raipur and Bilaspur are the two developed city or one can say mahanagar of Progressive chhattisgarh .
Mahanagar was created in 1963.
The duration of Mahanagar is 2.18 hours.
Mahanagar Gas was created in 1995.
Lucknow Mahanagar Parivahan Sewa was created in 2005.
The population of Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited is 2,010.
Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited was created in 1986.
Mahanagar Boys' Inter College Lucknow was created in 1959.
The state that goes by the name of Chhattisgarh is located in the country of India. It has a population of over 25.5 million in total of persons living there today.
Godavari tributaries sub drains into Chhattisgarh and it is considered as the part of Chhattisgarh Tourism. To know more about rivers of Chhattisgarh check aPnachhattisgarh.in/
Ajay Chandrakar is a famous politician in Chhattisgarh. He is also a Kurud minister in Chhattisgarh.
The latitude of Chhattisgarh is 21.2700° N
Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd.