About 1 000 000 (1 million)
The Duck Tolling Retriever
English, with spatterings of French and Gaelic
the export of nova scotia and the import is mining too!
"The Land of Evangeline" and "Canada's Ocean Playground"
Nova Scotia's season is just after "I think I poisoned myself" and shortly before "I didn't know it was Illegal".....
I think it might be Nova Scotia.......
Nova Scotia is a maritime province, It is part of Canada and is neighbors to both Prince Edward Island the smallest in both landmass and population in Canadian provinces. It is also neighbors with New Brunswick which is the largest of the three Maitime provinces in land mass and second to Nova Scotia in population. Nova Scotia is the middle of the pack in land mass and the largest in population largely due to the Maritime provinces largest city of Halifax.
It is the St. Andrew's Cross which appears white on a blue background on the flag of Scotland
The population for Nova Scotia is 940,000.
Nova Gorica's population is 32,763.