This was the Eureka Stockade. For more information, see the related question.
He was elected to the Victorian Parliament.
Eureka! I have found it! This is redundant; eureka meansI have found it. But this is how the quote is often given.
gold miners :)
miners suffered diseases which spread easily because they couldn't wash them selves. They also suffered from starvation due to the lack of food they were given.
Syfy president Mark Stern said at ComicCon 2009 that Season 4 of Eureka has been given the "Green Light". They are planning on 22 episodes, starting the second quarter of 2010.
It is actually a Greek word meaning, "I have found it"It has become famous from its use by the Greek mathematician Archimedes.The Greek leader at the time asked him to assess whether his crown had been made from all the gold that he had given to the goldsmith to do the job.Archimedes wasn't sure how to go about solving this, since he couldn't measure the crown's density as the volume was unknown in such an awkward shape. He got into the bath tub and noticed the water level rise.He suddenly realized he could measure the volume of the crown from the amount of water it displaced, and then calculate what it should weigh if it were made of pure gold.Archimedes leapt from the tub with great excitement screaming 'Eureka' (I've found it!) upon this discovery.Funnily enough, today, it is more often associated with the Eureka Stockade event of 19th Century Australian history
Miners were given three square metres of 'claim' and that was the only place where they could mine. Most 'claims' didn't even have any gold in it, but the miners still had to pay the monthly fee of 30 shillings, so they became poor.
This can not be solved as there is no equivalent value given.
They should automatically be given to you after being released. If not, approach them with one of your units.
Not just chickens raised in barns are given medicine. Even free range "organic" hens are given the occasional treatment. Chickens can get sick, when they do, medicine is given to make them better.
it is a boring poem