The game show "Deal or No Deal" was first aired in the United States on the NBC primetime network. The show was premiered on December 19, 2005 hosted by Howie Mandel.
The host of deal or no deal is different in every country. In the US: Howie Mandel In the UK: Noel Edmonds In Australia: Larry Endor or Andrew O'Keefe
Noel Edmonds
Noel Edmonds
The cast of Deal Ya No Deal - 2005 includes: Madhavan as Himself - Host Mandira Bedi as Herself - Host Aamna Shariff
australia and wales were the host
It is an island state of Australia. What sort of deal do you require?
The host of Lets Make a Deal is Wayne Brady. He was also on the show Who's Line is it Anyway?
well i no 1 person who is the host of Deal or no deal and his name is Howie Mandel.
They already did
Melbourne Australia