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One can make an application for phone insurance under Sprint's Total Equipment Protection scheme on their website. Other companies such as Protect Your Bubble and Phone Claim do also offer insurance for Sprint phones.

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Q: Where can someone get Sprint phone insurance?
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If you have insurance on a sprint phone and the phone breaks do you have to get the same phone again or can you choose another one?

i think its same phone..

Does Sprint offer phone insurance?

Yes, Sprint offers insurance for their phones. It looks like it is called the Equipment Replacement Program. To file a claim you can call this number: 1-800-584-3666

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Yes, but you can also have a Motorola phone but yes in order to have sprint service you need a sprint phone

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The best thing a person can do if they have to have their Nokia phone unlocked is to go to the retailer where the person has an account. If they have a contract with Sprint, then they can go to a Sprint store to get it unlocked.

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Nextel phone you have the i870 but when you broke it you didnt no that the phone had been discontinued so would they just upgrade you the next phone?

If you have the insurance through Sprint/Nextel then they will replace the phone with a comparable model for a small deductible. (Usually $50) Call their customer service at 800-639-611 and ask or visit a Sprint store.

Does it cost to text someone in a different region with sprint?

It is possible to text internationally, however it is very expensive and may require an international phone.

How do you get sprint service if you already have a sprint phone?

you call sprint and you make a contract with them

Has anyone got a Chinese knockoff phone to work on sprint?

Usually, buying a phone outside of Sprint for Sprint is difficult since it doesn't use SIM cards. I don't recommend buying phones for Sprint rather buy the phone through Sprint.

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Can you use a sprint phone with Verizon?

No. You can buy an unlocked phone that is the same model and use it for another network but typically a Sprint phone will only work with Sprint and vise versa.