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Things like General Dimensioning and Auto Dimensioning

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Q: 4 What types of numeric constraints may be applied to sketches?
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What types of numeric constraints may applied to sketches?

Things like General Dimensioning and Auto Dimensioning

What three types of constraints can be applied to CAD sketchs or models?

Geometric Constraint, Parametric Constraint, and Assembly Constraint

What three types of constrains can be applied to CAD sketches or models?

Mate, flush, and tangent are the 3 that come to my mind.

What are the 2 types of data allowed in QBASIC?

the two types of data used in Qbasic is numeric data and alpha numeric data.

What are assembly constraints?

In computer modeling, assembly constraints are parameters that define geometric relationships between components in an assembly of parts. When applied between certain parts, they remove the degrees of freedom of those parts (degrees of freedom are the directions in which an object can move, and there are 6 of them: backward/forwards or along the z axis, up/down or along the y axis, left/right or along the x axis, rotation around the z axis, rotation around the y axis, and rotation around the x axis.) Types of assembly contraints include: ~mate: constrains two faces, edges, points, or axes together. Think of it as sticking two parts together. ~flush: constrains two faces or work features together. Think of it as lining two parts up, changing from ----- to ----- -------- -------- ~angle: constrains two faces or edges at a specified angle to one another. This is pretty intuitive. ~insert: constrains a cylinder into a hole + flushes it so it fits just rights. This is, for example, how you put screws and bolts into their holes in an assembly. ~tangent: constrains a curved surface to a plane or other curved surface. This is like mate for curved surfaces. Assembly contraints are different from geometric and numeric constraints. The former only applies in 2D sketches, and the latter is not only limited to 2D sketches but also only includes numeric values or aalgebraic equations. In an assembly, you can also have drive constraints, which are simulated movements of assembled parts through specified steps. Though these occur in assemblies, they are not the same as assembly constraints.

What are the types of sketches used in engineering?

one is blueprints

Types of sketches?

There are 4 types of sketches 1. Pencil Sketch 2. Computer Sketch 3. Photo Sketch 4. Portet Sketch

What are the different types of constraints in RDBMS?

dobarku aapuu

What are the different types of draft tubes in sketches?

circular and elbow

How many different types of constants are there in COBOL?

there are three types of constants in COBOL 1. numeric literals 2. figurative constants 3. non-numeric literals

What are differences between data types numeric and non numeric?

Numeric data are data that can be quantify. i.e age, e.t.c While Non-numeric data are data that cannot be quantify but can be categorise. Such as colour, name e.t.c

What is constraints in database management system?

Constraints are sort of restrictions, which restrict the data that can be stored in a relation (Table). or Constraints are mostly a collection of indexes and triggers that restrict certain actions on a table. There are four types of constraints: Primary Key ConstraintsUnique ConstraintsCheck ConstraintsForeign Key (FK) Constraints. - chandrabhan