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Q: Because of their size and cost these computers aer relatively rare?
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Is a computer mechanical?

There have been mechanical computers in the past, but they were rare. Today the odds are good that any computer you encounter is digital.

Which is an example of how cost influences technology?

Here are a few examples of the influence of how the cost of materials or manufacturing methods influence the technology those materials and methods are used to create: Rare-earth metals. The rare earths market is important mainly for the production of high strength permanent magnets. These metals are difficult and expensive to separate and work with, and the mining techniques used to obtain them are quite hazardous to the environment. High-precision machining. It takes very expensive dedicated machines to make high-precision machine components such as turbine engine parts. Here like with rare earths, the alloying of metals that make up turbine parts also incur additional cost - more because of the smelting, purification and tempering processes that go into producing the alloys, than the rarity or cost of the alloying elements in this case. Both of these examples involve energy expenditures. Quality has a cost.

What are computer hazards?

Viruses, which are malicious programs, are the biggest computer hazard. Since computers continue to be a rapidly advancing technology, obsolescence is also a hazard. Since computers are electronic devices, there is some electrical hazard as well, although it is rare. If you spill your soup onto a computer, you can expect a short circuit. There are also many specialized hazards associated with the use of computers, such as the various types of frauds that people perpetrate over the internet.

What problems are associated with the disposal of old computers?

Computers and electronic devices contain a lot of different materials. Some take a long time to degrade naturally (such as metals), others take a very long time to degrade (such as plastics). Most problematic, however, are rare earth metals and heavy metals such as lithium, traces of mercury and similar substances, which can be poisonous when leaking into soil and ground water.

Why do the military uses the computer?

Computers yes, can help the military. I know they help them organiaze missile launches, air strikes etc. They also help to create new generation weaponary for WW3 and other wars, and to orginiaze platoons of soldiers, and design vehicles of War, like Tanks etc.