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banging 2 rocks together one of them was flint.

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Q: How did the Neolithic people make a fire?
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What great discovery did Neolithic people make about fire?

Neolithic people discovered how to make fire by using friction methods, such as rubbing sticks together or using a fire drill. This discovery revolutionized their ability to cook food, stay warm, and protect themselves from predators, leading to significant advancements in their daily lives and social organization.

How did the neolithic people make fire?

banging 2 rocks together one of them was flint.

How did change life change for during the neolithic ages?

Life changed for people during the Neolithic Age because that was when they found out how to make fire.

How did Neolithic people make their tools?

Neolithic people made their tools by knapping stones to create sharp edges for cutting and scraping. They also used bone, antler, and wood in tool-making by carving, grinding, and polishing them. These tools were essential for tasks like hunting, gathering, and processing food.

What kind of art did Neolithic people make?

what kind of art did the neolithic people make

What did the neolithic people make?

Neolithic people made tools, pottery, woven textiles, and buildings such as homes and temples. They also engaged in agriculture, domesticated animals, and developed early forms of social organization and trade.

Did neolithic people make tools out of copper and bronze?

No, neolithic people primarily used stone tools. The use of copper and bronze tools came later, during the Chalcolithic and Bronze Ages.

Did the Neolithic age people make stone tools and weapons?

Yes, people in the Neolithic Age made stone tools and weapons. They used materials like flint, obsidian, and jade to craft tools for farming, hunting, and other daily activities. These tools were vital for their survival and shaped the development of Neolithic societies.

What did Neolithic people make their tools from?

bronze, said from a boss

How did trade help Neolithic people make stronger tools?

Trade hepled Neolithic people make stronger tools by getting special materials such as obsidian from other areas (communities, or villages)

What great discovery did neolithic people discover about fire?

Neolithic people discovered that fire could be controlled and used for various purposes. They learned to start fires deliberately and control them for cooking food, providing warmth, and protection from predators. This discovery played a crucial role in their survival and development.

What did Neolithic people invent?

Neolithic people invented agriculture, pottery, weaving, and the use of tools made from stone and bone. They also developed early forms of architecture, such as mud-brick houses and megalithic structures.