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A resistor works by limiting the current that goes through it.

When current is limited, then voltage across the resistor also changes.

We use many forms of resistors in our normal day.

Lightbulbs are infact all resistors in one way or another.

When the filament in a lightbulb heats up, the resistance increases. When resistance increases, the current is reduced. In the end, the current has been reduced so much that it can no longer carry on heating up the filament. The bulb is then thermally stable and shines for our pleasure.

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14y ago
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11y ago

resistor is like a valve of conductor,and you may say that it is a passage of circuit which is limiting the current while you keep to other components to give limited supply for working a circuit device.resitors havetheirvalue like 200 2M 2K etc. resistor is a limiting device and it is not an active component. we say it is a passive component.resistor measured in ohm.resistor is a protection component. it is always resist to flow of electron in a circuit.resistor's have no polarity.according to it's supply on giving a negative supply or positive supply to the circuit.

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10y ago

A resistor is a device that resists, or limits, the flow of electric charge through itself, in the same way that a narrow or partially blocked pipe resists the flow of water through friction. The power source driving the current through the circuit generates electrical energy, and the resistor converts that electrical energy into heat energy.


The more resistance a thing has, the more it limits current (at a given voltage). In a circuit, resistance and current are inversely proportional. The more the resistance, the more current will be limited and the less current will actually flow. Resistors pay a price for limiting current - they create heat.

It might be convenient to divide resistors into just two groups for this discussion (though there are many possible ways to categorize them). Resistors might be thought of as electronic components, or as thermal elements in a device or equipment.

A resistor partially conducts current flow, but it heats up as a consequence to having current forced through it by some applied voltage. If the resistor is an appliance, it is probably being used specifically to generate the heat, because the heat is what is desired. We need to dry our hair, or the clothes. We want to make toast or coffee or bacon. Incandescent lights could be seen as resistors, but we don't (usually) use them to generate heat. Heating elements, or thermal elements, are heaters - resistive heaters.guys

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15y ago

Resistance: Electrical resistance describes how an electrical conductor (a wire) opposes the flow of an electrical current (flow of electrons). To overcome this opposition a voltage (a energy) must dropped (used) across the conductor (wire). Resistance can be described by ohms law: Ohms Law: R = V / I (Resistance = Voltage / Current) (resistance measured in ohms) where: Voltage [V]= the energy lost across an component (voltage measured in volts). Current [I] = the charge (electrons) flowing through an component (current measured in Amps). Electrical resistance can be thought of as sticking your hand out a car window. The faster [current] you drive the harder the wind presses [resistance] against you hand and therefore it takes more energy [voltage] to hold your hand steady. When trying to overcome electrical resistance, the electrical energy lost is turned into heat. This is how the elements of a household stove, toaster, and fan heater work. Because of the vacuum in a light bulb, the electrical energy lost is instead turned into light. It can be seen the electrical resistance plays a large role in modern life. Resistor: The resistor is the most common electronic component and is used to limit and/or control the voltage and current in an electronic circuit. Resistors are carefully manufactured to provide a predetermined value of electrical resistance which may range from 0.1 ohms to 100,000,000 ohms, depending on the application. The physical size of a resistor also varies dependant on the amount of power passing through the resistor, given by: P = V x I (Power = Voltage x Current) (power measured in watts) There are also many types of resistors including: · Variable Resistor - changes resistance when its shaft is rotated (volume knob on a stereo). · Thermistor - changes resistance when the temperature changes (used in a thermostat). · Light Dependant Resistor (LDR) - changes resistance when the lighting changes (used in children's night-lights). Resistor Example: An LED is a small red light (such as the one on the front of most TVs) and requires 2.0 volts and 0.02 amps to operate correctly. If we connected that LED up directly to a 12 volt battery, the voltage would be too high, and too much current would flow… the LED would blow up. We need to use a resistor to limit the voltage and current. But which value of resistance should the have resistor? Uses ohms law: R = V / I = (12.0 - 2.0) / 0.02 = 500 ohms (Note: the voltage across the resistor is the battery voltage minus the voltage we want across the LED) But which value of power should the resistor be capable of handling? P = V x I = (12.0 - 2.0) / 0.02 = 0.2 Watts hope this helps

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12y ago

main operation of a resistor is to resist the current flowing inside the circuit .

by choosing a resistor with right amount of resistance we can flow the current inside the circuit in the required path .

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16y ago

To limit the amount of voltage through a circuit.

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11y ago

a fix resistor contains carbon and it has a wire attach to both ends that revolves

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12y ago

The function of the resistor is to impede the flow of electrons (current) .

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4y ago

A resistor limits CURRENT not VOLTAGE. Voltage doesn't move through anything. It's pressure or potential. Current, however, is the flow of electrons, and this is what a resistor limits. Without a correctly sized resistor, the unchecked current will kill the LED.

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What is meany by resistor?

Resistor is a component of an electric circuit that resist the flow of direct or alternating electric current . It can also limit or divide the current, reduce the voltage, protect an electric circuit, or provide large amounts of heat or light.

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The resistor allows current to enter the electromagnet in an electric motor. The resistor regulates the amount of current that enters the electric motor.

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It resist the flow of current according to the resistance value.

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General purpose resistor is used to resist the current flow.the common resister is general purpose resister.

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A LDR or light dependant resistor is a resistor that works when light is not shining on it, so if there is light on it it will not resist a current, you can also get them to work the other way.

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An electromagnet is not a resistor; they are two different components in an electrical circuit. An electromagnet uses electric current to create a magnetic field, while a resistor resists the flow of electric current, which causes a voltage drop across it.

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Current moving through a resistor causes it to heat up because of the flowing electrons bumping into the atoms in the resistor.

Is a calculator a resistor?

No, but it has resistance. Everything has resistance to current flow. It's sole purpose is not to resist current. It likely has resistors in it though.

What does a resistor do in an electric circuit?

Limits current flow and drops voltage.

The ability of an object to resist current is called?

Resistance. And the object exhibiting this property is called a resistor.

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Resistance is the property of a component which restricts the flow of electric current.

Can a resistor be installed backwards?

Resistors can be installed in any direction in a circuit. It doesn't matter in which direction you are installing a resistor. Resistor will resist the current in both sides of the connection. You can also apply capacitor in any direction for alternating current. Where as if you are concerned with direct current, a direction is needed to apply the connection