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in 1600

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Q: How long ago were the computers made like around the 1600 or before that?
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Did they have computers in 1992?

Yes they did ! Computers were around long before 1979. For example - the Apollo space missions all had computers in them and in mission control - and that was way back in 1969 !

How were gas bills calculated before computers?

Just like they are now, with dials.

Will computers be around in 2060?

of course they will, how do you think society and humans can survive without computers? they will be a lot different than today, that's for sure. like quantum computers or bio computers.

What were school's like before electricity?

it was like an every schoolday but with no computers,lights,it was very different

What are loptops?

There mini computers that you can take around.

When did shakespeare write all the worlds a stage?

Shakespeare wrote As You Like It, from which those words are quoted, around 1600.

What were computers like before Microsoft?

Microsoft basically invented the computer as we know it now, before they where just very big calculates

How can new computers get bad ratings, when they're so much better than before?

The reasons why new computers get bad ratings when they are indeed so much better than before is because desktop computers can not be carried anywhere you want like laptops do.

What was Egypt like in 1600 bc?

like hell

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How much can you power on a 1600 generator?

If the 1600 represents 1600 watts like most generator numbers do, then the generator can deliver enough power to run a 1600 watt load connected to it.

How was life like before Steve Jobs created computers?

Well Steve Jobs did not create computers. Computers (even home computers) were around way before the Apple Computer. The appeal and fairly ease-of-use of the Apple II computer gave it popularity. Which if I remember correctly, came out in 1979. So life in the 1970's (pre Apple Computer) - not every home had a microwave oven or a VCR. DVD's were not around yet either, or TiVo. The Internet existed, but was not really accessed by the general population. If you were traveling, you might have had a CB radio in the car to talk with other people.