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How many minutes will high school students spend texting on there cell phones next year

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No one I know doesnt have one so i'd say almost all:-)

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Q: How many minutes will US High school students spend texting on their cell phones during the next year?
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What rank of sethu institute of technology?

eventhough the college was strict the students are usin the mobile phones................... all the mistakes are goiung among girls and boys....................

What are candybar phones?

Non flip phones, see for some examples of candy bar phones.

Smart phones and tablets are computers not cell phones?

False - because they can be both.A logically equivalent statement is:a) Smart phones & tablets are computers AND b) smart phones and tablets are NOT cell phones.To be a true statement both statements must be true. Since the statement "smart pones and tablets are not cell phones" is not true, the full statement must be False.Smart phones and tablets are computers.Smart phones are ALSO cell phones - they just have to also be computers in order to provide the additional functionality that makes them a "smart phone". Being one does not preclude them also being something else. Many people also use their smart phones as flashlights - which doesn't mean they are not also phones and computers.Some larger cell phones are classified as "tablets" to distinguish them from the more diminutive versions of the same product - so especially in this case those tablets are BOTH computers AND cell phones.

How many different types of phones are there?

Landline phones come in wired and wireless handset varieties and are generally stationed in a home or business. Mobile phones connected cellular towers while satellite phones make their connections through satellites as the name suggests. Finally, voice over IP phones use the Internet to make their connections.

What are the disadvantages of bada phones?

Hello, The only aspect where I found Bada phones annoying is in their limited App Store. Samsung Bada Apps Store is very much smaller compared to the vastness of the Android or the Iphone Apps stores. Apart from that Bada phones are really good. The speed of Bada phones are also much faster than Android and Iphones. -Sagnik.

Related questions

Why can't middle school students have cell phones during passing periods and lunch but not during classes?

When the law was passed to allow phones it stated that students could have phones with them, but not use them. Passing is only 5 minutes and if everyone was texting or talking on the phone no one would get to class ( people are tardy everyday as it is). Phones are a distraction at school and you are in school to learn.

How many kids focus more on cell phones then work at school?

It is not during class that they focus on there cell phones it is after or between classes From my experiences its done casually by a majority of students in classrooms. As in every 10 or so minutes they check their phone reply to a text then do work. The 5 minutes they give you to get to class doesnt really give you time to text(Walking and texting at same time = bad). (Source white school in canada)

What do teenagers like on phones?


Can cyberbullying happen in phones?

Yes it can happen on phones especially through texting.

What is texting websites for teens?

Texting websites for teens are websites where teens can text to and from their phones for free.

Is all iPod touches phones?

They aren't phones but there are apps for texting and calling on WiFi

Does lg cell phones have texting?

Of course! They make some of the best messaging phones out there!

Should students be allowed mobile phones school?

no it should not be allowed in schools

Should students have cell phones in classrooms?

Yes ! students should but not to text so you don't get them tooking away you should have them just in case something happens and you or your child needs to call someone .

Why mobiles are not allowed in the classroom?

Mobile phones take away from the learning process. It is hard enough to have students pay attention without phones ringing or texting. It is possible to go through a day without having a phone or to talk on one.

How do parents feel about having cell phones in class?

Cell phones have no business in schools. Social networking and texting(sexting) can wait until after class or after school. It's sad when students carry faster PDAs than the school computers.

What phones don't deduct minutes to read text messages?

Well, 1st thing, nothing is deducted for reading it, it is deducted for receiving it to your phone. 2nd thing, the only phones that deduct minutes for texts are Go Phones and Prepaid phones. These phones don't have minutes, they have credits. So if you buy a phone from a carrier and pay a monthly bill on it, then there is no dedution of "minutes," but it might take away from amount of texts, although once it goes over the limit, you will have to pay fees. Same with minutes and data. Although if you have Unlimited texting on your new phone, you will not have anything deducted (aside from battery power) from your phone.