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El comportamiento de un generador síncrono comprende fundamentalmente dos condiciones de operación: a) estado transitorio y b) estado estable Las características del generador en estado estable se refieren sobre todo a los límites térmicos para la operación segura del generador Es muy útil que el operador conozca las características de comportamiento en estado estable (Capabilidad) de su máquina, ya que éstas marcan las condiciones límites de operación, además el operador puede conocer como influyen los parámetros de la unidad en su operación y no dependen de que los instrumentos de medición tengan indicados los límites. La curva o diagrama de capabilidad se basa en un diagrama fasorial de potencias activa y reactiva llamado Diagrama Circular de la Máquina Síncrona A la curva de capabilidad se le llama también diagrama de límite térmico, porque permite determinar el valor al cual la máquina sus embobinados y sus núcleos, alcanzan la temperatura de régimen de operación estable de acuerdo a sus aislamientos y manufactura. La primera restricción proviene de la potencia que puede proporcionar la turbina. Operando a esta potencia, la maquina puede generar o absorber potencia reactiva. Si aumentamos la potencia activa, tenemos una menor capacidad de generar o absorber potencia reactiva En cualquier caso la potencia aparente no puede ser mayor a la capacidad del generador, porque elevaría la temperatura de los devanados del estator por encima del nivel para el que fueron diseñados El límite de capabilidad en la sección superior de la curva corresponde a los límites térmicos del campo y de la armadura del generador. El campo electromagnético de excitación (CD) y el del estator (CA) girando en sincronismo forman un campo que atraviesa el entrehierro radialmente. Este flujo aumenta las perdidas en el nucleo y genera calor adicional. Normalmente, el campo del generador es ajustado de tal forma que se entregan potencia real y potencia reactiva al sistema de potencia. En la región de operación normal, la curva de capabilidad del generador muestra los límites de operación. Éstos son límites térmicos (rotor y estator). En el área de subexcitación, la operación es limitada por el calentamiento del hierro en el extremo del estator

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Q: Importance of capability curve of a genertator?
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What is a Generator capability curve?

The generator capability curve described the capability real and reactive power capability of a generator. Real power is plotted on the horizontal axis, while reactive power is plotted on the vertical axis. A reactive capability curve consists of three curved segments. One segment is the arc of a circle centered at the origin of the reactive capability curve. Because the radius of that circle is the apparent power, S (in MVA), it is based on the thermal heating limitations inherent in the stator winding and reflects the fact that the stator limitation is based on current alone. The second segment is an arc of a circle centered on the Q axis - the arc joins the positive Q axis with the constant MVA portion of the curve, and defines the upper boundary of reactive power OUT of the generator. It is the arc of a circle because it also reflects current-based heating; the critical difference is that the limitation described is that of the rotor winding. The third segment joins the negative Q axis (representing reactive power into the machine) with the constant MVA portion of the curve. This segment reflects end-ring heating while in underexcited operation. When you change the tap on the generator step up transformer, you will change the reactive output of the generator. Remember that reactive (VARS) always flow downhill in voltage - from higher voltage to lower voltage. So if you change the tap on the transformer to produce a lower open-circuit secondary voltage, the reactive output of the generator will increase. Conversely, if you change the tap to cause a higher open-circuit secondary voltage, the reactive output of the generator will decrease.

What is the newest version of blackberry curve?

It appears that RIM's most popular line of BlackBerry smartphones is codenamed "Apollo", an awesome addition to the Curve family. Packing in a 480 x 360 screen, 5-megapixel camera, quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE, a tri-band HSPA 7.2Mbps radio, and NFC capability.

BlackBerry Curve 8310 Features?

The BlackBerry Curve 8310 would be an ideal choice for you. The features alone would be a great benefit. Features such as the walkie talkie, which gives you the ability to use group calling. Also hands free clarity, blue tooth capability and WI fi is available.

Why is it wrong to judge people by the work they do?

people should not be judged by the work they do because every person has different capability and also every work has its own importance.

Why alternator power factor 0.8?

In terms of generators, the alternate power factor is generally 0.8 for most models. This factor is defined as the power needed to operate within the limits of he generator capability curve.

How can you assess differences in quality or performance by simply comparing z values under a standard normal curve?

The smaller the z number, the smaller the variance and the closer to the mean the parts are. This will give you a better capability value.

What are the businesses four mechanisms for offering and maintaining uniqueness?

Financial or economic capability Product capability Technical capability Organizational capability

How the sine curve related to a curve?

Basically, it IS a curve.

How can you use the word capability in a sentence?

I have the capability to answer this question