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Yes; if the power goes out, then your computer goes out.

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Q: Is lightning a threat to a computer?
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Is lightning a threat?

It is uncomon, but not unheard of, for people to be injured or even killed by lightning.

Can a lightning storm ruin a computer?

If there is a thunderstorm, you can use the computer, etc.

What is relation between computer threat and computer vulnerability?

Your computer is vulnerable by the protection of your firewall. If your firewall is open, or have no firewall, you are pretty much a siting duck. A computer threat is a virus that infects your computer to do unwanted and/or involuntary actions you did not request/intend/mistakenly do. The computer threat seeks for openness of a computer vulnerability.

How do you protect your computer from lightning?

A surge protector.

Does homeowners insurance cover lightning strike on trees in yard?

If the lightning struck tree falls on our covered home and damages it, your insurance will cover it. If you've just got a lightning struck tree out in te yard, then that's considered a yard maintenance issue. The tree should be removed if it poses an increased threat to your property.

What is the biggest threat to computer security?


Who is ranked the greatest threat to a computer system?


What can protect a computer from virus threat?

An antivirus program

Do surge suppressors protect the computer from a lightning strike?


Why is worm a threat to data held on a computer system?

because it is

How do you remove a threat from a computer?

do an antivirus scan . it will show the virus. click on the virus and click remove/destroy/remove threat

Where can you find the lightning symbol in your computer keyboard?

i don't think it has one.