3 months, dumkopf.
Because the octal number sytem is more useful for writing and clearer to read. Also, we're only using the binary system since the invention of computers which is not that long ago. Before that, there was no reason to use a binary system which is again not easy to read.
If the above is decimal then in hexadecimal it is 2964492C2. If it is binary then in hexadecimal it is 7DA. If it is octal then in hexadecimal it is 49241208.
When dealing with large quantity of binary numbers of many bits, it is easy and more efficient for us to write the numbers in octal form. This system is used to express large numbers as used in computers e.g. 16 bits or 32 bits used to express data, memory address, instruction code, processor status etc. Moreover, octal multiplication and division are more easy than the hexadecimal number system. As they are complex because they make use of alphabets 'A' to 'F' after 0 to 9. -
dude! seriously?! if it binary then it is 54. Hexadecimal it is 1114384. octal it is 36939. depends what base you consider it. you can take any base you want.
Octal 76 = 111110
The octal equivalent of decimal number 16 is 20. In octal, each digit represents three binary digits, so converting decimal 16 (which is 10000 in binary) into octal gives 20.
24 octal is 8 * 2 + 4 is 20 decimal
In binary this number is equivalent to 11111000011 while in octal it is 3703
9C = 234