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Q: The loopback address is used to send a packet from the?
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Which of the following IPv4 addresses is the loopback address? is the loopback address in IP.... or in the (slightly modified) words of Dorthy Gale when she returned from Oz "There's no place like"

What address is used to send packets that are destined for an outside network?

Router uses IP address of destination node to do the direct packet switching..while bridge & switch uses the MAC address to packet forwarding.

Which portion if the destination IP address is used as a packet is routed through the Internet?

Which portion of the destination IP address is used as a packet is routed through the Internet?

What part of a packet is used to get to destination?

Destination address

What is an arp request packet for?

ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol. This is IP's way of requesting a MAC address (or hardware address) from a host located at a certain IP address. In order for a host on a network to send a unicast packet across the network, it must know both the source and destination MAC addresses. ARP is used to obtain a MAC address similar to the way DNS is used to obtain an IP address from a domain name (

What is the role of the address field in a packet travelling through a datagram?

There are two address fields. Source is the IP address the packet came from and destination is the IP address the packet is meant to be delivered to.

What is the reserved loopback IP address that can be used to test the configuration of the local IP device?

resever ip of loop back is

In the IP Protocol What is the header overhead?

Internet Protocol, or IP, puts a header on every packet that it sounds out. This header is the overhead. All protocols, such as TCP or UDP, will put a header on the packet. The IP header contains information such as source IP address and destination IP address and is used by routers to figure out where to send the packet. ex. you send your friend a 1kb file, but it takes up 1.5kb of bandwidth due to overhead

The address is used to identify the sender and receiver in an ip packet header?

That is called an IP address.

What are the special IP addresses. Give the special IP address for loopback?

There are several IP addresses that are special in one way or another. These addresses are for special purposes or are to be put to special use.Addresses significant to every IP subnet Network AddressBroadcast AddressAddresses significant to individual hosts Loopback AddressSpecial Addresses of Global Significance Private AddressesReserved AddressesLOOPBACK ADDRESS ( class 'A' subnet is used for only a single address: the loopback address This address is used to test the local network interface device's functionality. All network interface devices should respond to this address. If you ping, you can be assured that the network hardware is functioning and that the network software is also functioning.

How can PING be used to check functionality of network hardware?

Successfully pinging the loopback address verifies that TCP/IP is installed and configured correctly on the local client.

What destination IP address is used in a unicast packet?

specific hosta specific host