

Best Answer

You go to kolin. Get off your ship go left until you see stairs go up them go to the lift go down then go left talk to the guy behind the counter.(P.S make sure you have at least 13000 gura go buy it.(P.S you must be up to tabletop mountain.) Hope I've helped you

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Q: Were to find scalar c suit in spectrobes?
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Find the scalar multiple of a vector?

by this do you means*Vwhere s is the scalar and V is the vector?if V = ai + bj + ck thens*V = (s*a)i + (s*b)j + (s*c)kwhere i, j and k are the unit vectors and a,b and c are constantsEssentially you just multiply each part of the vector by the scalar

Which is a scalar quantity a. displacement b. distance c. force d. acceleration?

b. distance is a scalar quantity.

Is their any scalar datatype in c language?


What is scalar data?

A scalar variable can hold only one piece of data at a time. So in C, C++ and Java scalar data types include int, char, float and double, along with others. Scalar variables of the same type can be arranged into ascending or descending order based on the value. Prasangax

What is scalar data structures?

A scalar variable can hold only one piece of data at a time. So in C, C++ and Java scalar data types include int, char, float and double, along with others. Scalar variables of the same type can be arranged into ascending or descending order based on the value. Prasangax

Is temperature vector or scalar?

Temperature is a scalar quantity. It has magnitude but not direction.

Is potential energy a scalar or vector quantity?

Potential energy is a scalar quantity. Energy is the sum of a scalar part and a vector part. Energy W is the product of velocity V and momentum P; W = [c+V]P =[ -V.P + cP]. The Potential energy is the scalar energy -V.P=-vmv = -mv^2.Physicists consider energy a scalar quantity, but that is incorrect, energy is a Quaternion quantity, a scalar and a vector . The vector energy is the "Dark Energy" is hidden in plain sight, cP.

How do you rescue Neal in Spectrobes Origins?

get ur child spectrobe and walk around a bit ull find a sing whit te spectrobe logo on it select it whit c on ur nunchuk and give the go sing to ur spectrobe

Is relativity relevent?

Think of c = sqrt (E/m)C is a representation of a physics constantE is a scalar recursive relationship of space/time relating energy causallym is a scalar recursive relationship of space/time relating mass causallyThe constant shows the scalar constant between these evolving causal systems of relationships (i.e. Relativity).Quantum Entangled Systems (QES)

Is light vector or scalar?

Light is a scalar. This is the reason we talk about the speed (scalar) of light. This is al;so the reason the Michelson-Morley Experiment was a deemed a failure, though it was a success. M-M assumed as did most scientists that light was a vector and would compound like a vector. When light had the same speed in all directions, which a vector would not do, the experiment was said to fail, when in fact it succeeded in showing light to be a scalar. What failed was the expectations of the experimentors and rather accept that light was a scalar they invented the shrinking of space in the direction of motion.Light is related to the fourth dimension of Quaternion Space:Q= r +Ix +Jy +Kzwhere I, J and K are vectors and the scalar is r=ct where c is the speed of light and t is time. Light c is related to the real scalar distance r=ct.

Can scalar be a negative number?

Yes, a scalar can be a negative number. For instance: c<x₁,x₂> = <cx₁,cx₂> such that <x₁,x₂> is a vector. Let c = -1 for instance. Then, we have this vector: <-x₁,-x₂> Compared to <x₁,x₂>, <-x₁,-x₂> has negative signs. In physics and mathematics, if we multiply the vector or something by a negative value scalar, then the direction of the vector is reversed, and the magnitude stays the same. If the magnitude increases/decreases, and the direction of the vector is reversed, then we can multiply the vector by any negative non-1 scalar value.

Can you multiply a vector C by a scalar s. if so describe the result?

Yes.It is denoted by sC and represents a vector in the same direction as C but s times as big.