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Getting wet, screen damage, and batterie dying!

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Q: What are the three types of events that can cause damage to electronic devices?
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A static shock is caused by?

You get static shock when the air is dry, mostly during the winter. Electrical currents run through your fingers, and when you touch something, all the current rush to the thing you touched, causing a shock. Static current developed in any device can cause a static shock. Static current if discharged by direct human touch can cause damage to electronic devices.

What causes a power surge in a house?

Too much electric being powered through the electrical sockets. Some people insert plug socket extentions into other extensions, which can cause a power surge. Faulty electrical devices cold also be responsible for this.

Can static shock cause damage?

Probably not to you or other people. But it can damage sensitive electronic things. And if it doesn't kill them right away, it can shorten the life of some electronic components, so that the device dies sooner than it would have.

Do Output devices contain the electronic circuits which cause processing to occur?

No. The processing occurs in the Central Processing Unit. Output devices only present the results of the processing after it has been carried out.

Can you replace the electronic motor mount on a Nissan maxima with an aftermarket non electronic mount?

Yes you can....I just did it to my car. There is no need for an electronic motor mount- they are over-priced, and can cause damage to your car's ECM. -Glenn K.

Does lightning affect electricity?

Yes. Lightning is a massive discharge of electricity and so can cause damage to power grids and electrical devices.

What are the two types of damage that electrostatic discharge can cause in an electronic component?

they can cause your system to malfunction or it may make your system erase all or your data

What problems will be caused by illegal wiring connection?

Illegal wiring connection may cause short circuits, that would damage electronic devices and may also cause fires and death, to those who attempt this practice. Illegal wiring is common practice in emerging economies where utility companies are usually owned and operate by the Government. Edwin Guerra, Smart Energy

Why is it recommended that you touch the metal frame of your personal computer before installing any internal accessories?

Static electricity can and will damage electronic components. Additionally in certain environments static sparks can cause fire and explosive hazards. For these reasons it is recommended to discharge static energy and be grounded. There are also devices such as static electricity wrist straps that help protect sensitive electronics from such damage.

What is electronic breakdown?

Most electronic devices have maximum voltage or current ratings, so if you exceed these maxima, you can expect them to Malfunction. Most breakdowns are permanent, so removing the excess voltage or current will not cause them to recover.

Why is lead banned from electronic devices?

lead is a toxic heavy metal. disposal of electronics in landfills could cause leaching of any lead they might contain into the landfill.