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1. Endowed with the power of speech.

2. Composed of distinct, meaningful syllables or words, as human speech.

3. Expressing oneself easily in clear and effective language: an articulate speaker.

4. Characterized by the use of clear, expressive language: an articulate essay.

5. Anatomy Consisting of sections united by joints; jointed.

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Articulation joints are tied at specific intervals and sealed with filler. In straight walls that do not have openings, the articulation joints must be at no more than six metre centres. They must not be closer than the height of the wall away from the corners. Where articulation joints are adjacent to a door or window a gap of 10 mm must be left between the edge of the frame and the brickwork.

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Q: What is bone articulation?
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What is the cavicle?

It is the same as the collar bone. It runs between the sternum (chest bone) and humerus (arm bone) It doesn't have a strict articulation with the arm, but is held by ligaments. Easily broken but heals readily.

Why does hip joint referred to as the acetabulofemoral joint?

Because hip joint is articulation between acetabulum (concavity on lateral surface of hip bone) and femur (thigh bone).

What is subarticular sclerosis?

Subarticular sclerosis is the hardening or thickening of the bone beneath the joint or articulation. It is diagnosed through an X-ray.

Which bone has no direct bony articulation with the skeleton?

The hyoid bone is a unique bone in the human body that does not directly articulate with any other bone. It is located in the neck and is attached to muscles and ligaments that help support the tongue and aid in swallowing and speaking.

Where is the ulnar notch located?

The ulnar notch is located on the distal end of the radius bone, on the side where the ulna bone is situated. It forms part of the wrist joint, allowing for articulation with the ulna bone and enabling proper movement of the wrist.

What bone is between your thighs and calves that bends?

Bones don't bend. They articulate with other bones, forming joints, which bend. You are thinking of your knee, I believe, which is the articulation of your thigh bone and two calf bones.