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IP spoofing is the process by which an IP address is created in order to conceal the senders identity or impersonate another person's IP address. IP spoofing is a crime and punishable by law.

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Q: What is ip spoofing?
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What steps can you take to minimize the possibility of IP spoofing on your network while still allowing INternet access for internal hosts?

To minimize the risk of IP spoofing on your network while maintaining internet access for internal hosts, consider implementing the following measures: First, enable ingress and egress filtering on your routers and firewalls to block packets with illegitimate source IP addresses. Second, use secure authentication protocols, such as Kerberos or public-key cryptography, to validate the identity of communicating hosts. Third, apply network segmentation to limit the potential impact of an IP spoofing attack. Lastly, keep your network devices, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems updated with the latest security patches and signatures to protect against known vulnerabilities and emerging threats.

What is the difference between an internal IP and an external IP?

internal ip is ur lan ip external ip is ip of wan that is provided by isp

What is the full from IP?

IP stands for Internet Protocol.If you want to know your IP address,visit .

What is an ip scrambler?

An IP scrambler is a device that scrambles your IP address making it nearly untraceable.

Can a static IP be a frame IP?


Related questions

Is ip spoofing is same as the web spoofing?

yea its same

How do you implement ip spoofing?

Ip spoofing is done by modifying the source address of a ip packet from where it is initiated and spoofing another ip address of trusted host and sent to the destination selected as a victim. There are many application program available in the website through which we can spoof an ip address.

Can a hacker steal your ip address?

By stealing, if you mean using it, then yes. By spoofing the ip. But they are actually using your ip FROM their own. So your ip is a layer.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of ip spoofing?

cost efficient to speed efficiency

4 bad effects of ip spoofing?

i dont know too. are you an stc person?

Wthat Is called when hackers change the source IP addresses on the packets they send so that they appear to be coming from another system?

IP spoofing

Can someone copy or hack your IP address making it look like things come from your PC?

This is known as IP spoofing, and it can be done to a degree.

How can you make my IP appear as though you are coming from the US?

IP spoofing, nice hacker question. the answer is way too long to post on wikianswers.

What is the difference between ip spoofing and ip hiding?

When you spoof an IP address, you make it look like you're connecting to the internet with a computer that you're not. When you hide your IP address, it's so people trying to find your IP address can't find it.

What is dhcp spoofing?

DHCP Spoofing is a Man-in-The-Middle technique whereby the attacker responds to DHCP request message, providing the target with an IP address and also setting the attacker's IP address as the gateway address of the victim machine, thereby relaying all traffic from the victim's machine via the attacker's machine.

What is Spoofing in Spanish?

iv'e checked. it is just spoofing. i don't think there is a word for your 'spoofing'!! XD

Specific requirements on controlling ip spoofing?

This is usually handled by a border router with outbound (egress) filtering. It checks the packet for addresses that do not match the network you are in and drops the packet from going out.