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High-level language (HLL) is a term that applies to any computer language that applies a level of abstraction such that there is little or no direct relationship between the code being written and the machine code that is compiled from that code.

Java is an HLL with one of the highest levels of abstraction. Its code compiles to byte code rather than machine code, which is then interpreted by the Java virtual machine (JVM). This makes it highly portable as there are few systems that don't have a JVM implementation. However, there's very little access to the underlying architecture as code is written to suit the JVM, a virtual non-existent machine with a consistent interface, rather than the physical machine upon which it runs.

C++ is also an HLL but because it compiles to machine code and has direct access to the underlying architecture, its level of abstraction is greatly reduced. It's every bit as portable as Java, but programs must be compiled separately for each platform. As a result, C++ programs take a little longer to develop, but execute many times faster than Java programs.

By contrast, assembly language is a low-level language that symbolises every machine instruction as a simple, easy-to-remember mnemonic. As a result, there is very little in the way of abstraction. The only thing lower than assembly language is machine code itself ("banging the metal"), however assembly programming is a far more efficient and less error-prone means of producing that machine code. It is not portable, however. Every architecture has its own version of assembly language.

Although C++ code can produce very efficient machine code by itself, assembly language produces the most efficient code as the programmer has complete control over the resulting machine code. However, C++ permits inline assembly language to be used wherever it is needed to maximise performance, so it could be classed as an HLL with low-level features. Java simply cannot compete with this level of control.

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If you mean a HLL compiler, John Backus of IBM for FORTRAN.

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