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Geostationary satellites are the ones used for GPS satellites.

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Q: What type of orbit is used by gps satellites subsynchronous or sunsynchronous?
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Some satellites are put into an orbit around the earths poles what is this type of orbit called?

Circum polar satellites.

What type of orbit does landsat use?

there once was a boy called john. He was not the usual boy, he liked satellites. One day he designed a satellite and threw it up into the sky. therefore the satellite's orbit is called Destroyer 556.

What is a geostationary satellite?

Geostationary is the moving orbit in the plane of the equator. Geostationary satellites are 22,300 miles above the Earths surface, and remain stationary at a fixed point. Weather and communication satellites are examples of geostationary satellites.

Why don't we land a communications satellite on the moon or mars?

In an age of geocentric satellites, the moon's orbit would preclude its reliability. However, the moon was used as a type of 'communications sat' back in the 50s, and modern-day satellites grew from that program. See link.

Where do geostationary satellites usually orbit?

SatellitesSatellites orbit in outer space, not in the earth. They are sent to outer space where the gravitational pull of the earth pulls them around, just as the earth is pulled around the sun in a similar manner. The layer is the exosphere. It greatly depends on what the satellite is for and who owns it how far up it orbits. Imaging satellites need to be close to the Earth, so they orbit about 130 miles up. Communications satellites are generally at 23,000 miles up. GPS satellites are up about 13,000 miles.

What type of clocks are on the satellites?


What type of energy do artificial satellites need to reach orbit?

It is mainly solar energy. Since all you need to avail it is photovoltaic cells. As there is no atmosphere to block the sunrays, you get plenty of solar energy in space.

What is the polar orbit used for and why?

a polar orbit is not a type of geosyhchronous orbit.

What are the two main types of satellites?

The main type of satellites are: 1) Geostationary 2) Polar

What are three types of artificial satellites?

One type of artificial satellite is called a navigation satellite. Two other kinds of artificial satellites are called weather satellites and communications satellites.

Is Polar Orbit a type of Geosynchronous orbit?

No. A geosynchronous orbit is one in which the satellite stays approximately stationary with respect to a point on the earth's surface. This is not possible in any orbits which are not in the equatorial plane of the earth. For example, in polar orbits the satellites will move around the earth from above the north pole to above the south pole and then back to above the north pole. Clearly, this isn't stationary relative to the earth's surface.

What are the two different types of satellites?

There are nine types of artificial satellites. Here is the list: Astronomical satellites, Biosatellites satellites, Communication satellites, Miniaturized Satellites, Navigational satellites, Reconnaissance satellites, Earth observation satellites, Space stations, and Weather satellites.