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Connectionless protocols

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Q: What type of protocol is useful when data must be transferred quickly?
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Which type of protocol is useful when data must be transferred fast?

connectionless protocols. A connection less protocol's lack of sophistication makes it more efficient than a connection-oriented protocol and renders it useful in situations in which data must be transferred quickly

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Electromagnets are useful when data is transferred onto a credit card because they store the confidential, security information within the magnetic stripe.

Why is data useful?

data protocol is used to route the data from the source to destination, and it is also used for congestion control, flow control & error control in the data that is being transmitted........... data protocol is responsible for the end to end delivery of the data, which may be in the form of messages, frames, packets across the different layers of the protocol architecture....

When can a histogram be more useful than a data table?

They are more useful when you are just looking for a range of values or intervals quickly

When the datagram is used?

Datagram is UDP that is connectionless,best effort-delivery protocol which means it sends data and doesnot take responsibility for the data's integrity.But,it is useful when large number of data has to be sent. Kritika Raj

What does the acronym SABUL stand for?

Simple Available Bandwidth Utility, also known as SABUL, is a UDP- based Data Transfer Protocol or UDT. Its technology allows lots of data to be transferred in shorter amounts of times.

The Application layer separates data into or discrete amounts of data?

PDU (protocol data units) -Yuriy-

When was Protocol Data Services created?

Protocol Data Services was created on 1999-11-25.

Protocol prepares data for transmission but has no resending capabilities?

UDP. User Datagram Protocol: A protocol that prepares data for transmission but that has no resending capabilities.

What protocol prepares data for transmission but has no resending capability?

UDP. User Datagram Protocol: A protocol that prepares data for transmission but that has no resending capabilities.

Which term describes a specific set rules determine the formatting of messages and the process of encapsulation used tp forward data?

The answer is Protocol's. Protocol is the set of rules for formatting the data across the network.

What protocol is used for breaking data into packets?