

Best Answer

They use:

Dirt, Mud, Stone and other natural materials them.

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Q: What types of materials are used for African rural houses and how are the materials strengthened to withstand forces that act on them?
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These are built with very strong materials to withstand forces?

yay! :)

What are built with very strong materials to withstand forces?

composite material which mean a combination of material.

What is built with very strong materials to withstand forces?

Not clear what you're asking, but clearly strong materials are needed when there are strong forces that must be withstood. And things that must withstand strong forces include, but are not limited to: Large skyscraper buildings where their weights are strong forces on their frames and foundations, where strong materials (e.g., steel and rebar cement) are used. Hydro-electric dams where the weight of the backed-up (dammed) water pushes forcefully against them and strong materials are needed to prevent the dams from collapsing. Aircraft where aerodynamic forces lift and sustain the planes in the air and the materials must also withstand in impact of airflow as they move near the speed of sound through the air. These must be strong for sure, but they must also be light weight so they can be lifted into the air.

What is the propety to withstand pulling forces?

Tinsile strength

How do structures withstand force?

Structures are able to withstand outside forces by having sufficient resistance and capacity so that they can respind with equal magnitude of the forces acting over them.

How is the suspension built to withstand forces?

i love pie go to i love

When was Central African Armed Forces created?

Central African Armed Forces was created in 1960.

How can a bridge be designed to withstand certain loads and destructive forces?

its built well durh

When was South African Special Forces Brigade created?

South African Special Forces Brigade was created in 1972.

How do modern houses withstand the force's?

Modern houses are built to withstand various forces such as wind, earthquakes, and snow loads by using strong materials like reinforced concrete, steel, and wood. Proper architectural design, including structural reinforcements and load-bearing walls, also helps to distribute forces evenly throughout the structure. Additionally, building codes and regulations ensure that houses are constructed to meet minimum safety standards in different regions.

What forces does the Great Wall of China have to withstand?

Wind, rain, and time are just some of the "outside forces" that have an affect on the Great Wall of China.

What is an example of compressive strength?

Concrete's capacity to withstand compressive forces is an illustration of compressive strength. A concrete structure, like a column or a beam, experiences pressure when it is subjected to a load. Concrete's capacity to withstand this pressure without breaking or deforming is measured by its compressive strength. For instance, structural concrete must have a compressive strength of at least 25 megapascals (MPa), which indicates that it can withstand significant compression without breaking. In determining the structural integrity and durability of various building materials, compressive strength is a crucial factor.