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Nails first appear on a child in the womb of the mother around the 2 month.

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Q: When nails first appear?
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Why do nails appear pink?

pretty much nail polish does

Why do nails normally appear pink?

Nails typically appear pink due to the blood vessels underneath the nail bed. The pink color comes from the rich blood supply in that area.

When your grandma was dying her fingernails and toes where black why?

were black not where black.Tthey appear black because the skin under the nails have no more circulation.Hemolyzed blood appear to be black,no more Oxygen.

When did the cycad first appear?

they first appear in prrmian period

How long does your nails and hair grow when you die?

They do not continue to grow after death. The impression that they do comes from the fact that the body shrivels up a bit after death, making the hair and nails appear longer, although they have not grown.

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How do you take care of the nails?

First Of all Maintaining the nails is very easy to Everybody ... We have to cut the nails approx within 1 week ......If the nails Grow longer and longer It is difficult to handle with it we get some viral diseases while we do something .............

If a dark nail polish is used what would it make the nails appear like?

Well.. if your remove the nail polish properly then your nails will be a bit purple/dark blue but it does not look scary or anything its nothing to worry about.. :D

When do freckles first appear?

Freckles are inherited. They first appear in childhood and if you are going to have them, they usually all appear by your 21st birthday.

When did the Pascal Triangle first appear?

Pascal's tiangle first appear in the year 1653.

How Does day or night time affect nail growth?

Day and night affects your nails as the sun affects how your nails grow and which direction if the sun is eastward then your nais will grow this way, the moon also has an effect on them because of the direction it is turning in for example if it is a full moon and wearwolf shape will appear in the courner of your nails .